Relationship: Jack O'Neill/Samantha Carter

Judge of Character

Written by DesertKactus
Rating: Teen and up

General Hammond has always believed himself to be a good judge of character, which is why, after an alien space pirate hijacked the Prometheus, he decides to offer the eccentric space pirate a chance to join the SGC, using Daniel Jackson as an incentive to persuade her. He is also interested to see how things play out between her and a certain archeologist. D/V, smidge of J/S.

My notes:

Really well-paced and has excellent mission storylines. I love the premise of Vala being drawn into the fold right after Prometheus Unbound by Hammond. I always thought we never got to see enough of Vala and the way she so seamlessly integrated into SG-1. I love how this slight venture into AU territory makes the beginning... Read more